Thursday, February 25, 2010


The Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey is devoted to the the furthering of the golf course industry through a, “Cooperative effort by the members of a group or team to achieve a common goal”, as said by president Bill Murray. The GCSAJN promotes studies done on issues and topics that plague fellow superintendents throughout NJ. Networking and communication are key aspects to allow this strategy to be successfully carried out to its fullest potential. Joining the GCSANJ ranks as a member helps not only you, but also your fellow GCSANJ members in performing to the highest of standards through your professional input, experience, and concerns.

The president of the GCSANJ also feels strongly that those in this industry aught to remember those back home and the loved ones in our lives. Our professional perspective of achievement through unity and team work should be displayed through our daily lives as well. We hold unique positions, ones that are demanding on both parties of a family. It’s the GCSANJ’s wishes to send their thanks to the families which have supported superintendents over the years.

Supporters of the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science, the GCSANJ encourages all to continue furthering their education and knowledge of turfgrass management. Research articles are listed and linked online for chronic diseases and other pertinent information. Not only does the GCSANJ help with keeping you up to date, but makes you aware of current employment opportunities. These are announced via the GCSANJ’s web site, providing all information necessary for you to begin communications with the course in question.

Hosting a number of events each year, this organization provides great educational opportunities for you the superintendent, and encourages networking between the turfgrass managers of New Jersey. Over all, this foundation is a benefit to the golf course superintendents of america and will help broaden your knowledge and deepen your connections with your fellow turfers. This organization was designed to help ensure that our industry continues to make leaps and bounds towards a bright future and successful present.

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